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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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Aldelo (formerly NextPOS)

Aldelo (formerly NextPOS) For Restaurants Software New Features by Version

Cut restaurant losses Aldelo For Restaurants POS solution helps you prevent staff mistakes and thefts. Our solution is also designed to help you increase operations efficiency while reducing costs.
You will be able to cut costs by using roll paper as guest checks, saving you thousands annually. You will have the ability to strictly enforcing time card activities. You may also experience overall cost savings from significantly reduced mistakes, thefts and much more. The bottom line for you is increased profit potential from reduction in operating expenses.
In addition, Aldelo For Restaurants further helps you identify procurement savings by showing you vendor price history. At one glance, you will see how much you were charged in the past by various vendors when you use our purchase order feature.

Kitchen communication problems will no longer bother your staff. Aldelo For Restaurants is capable of automatically routing kitchen orders up to six departments, saving your servers time and help you prevent kitchen prep mistakes.

When it comes to increasing operations efficiency, Aldelo For Restaurants has a wide variety of features to help you accomplish this goal.
Simplify daily management As a restaurant owner or general manager, have you ever wished that there was a system that could let you perform the end of day procedure as simple as the touch of a button?
Aldelo For Restaurants software solution gives you this simplified daily closing procedure that you may have dream about! And there's more.
Instead of spending hours trying to match up all of the paper guest checks' numbers, or if with some other POS systems that you need to go through awkward closing procedures, Aldelo For Restaurants will let you generate the daily closing report for any given date with the touch of a button.
Anyone without any computer knowledge will also be able to do this easily. In less than a few second, you will have your closing report for the specified date. It will show you all the detailed sales information, as well as numerous activities that may have occurred in you restaurant that you may want to know about.
Wouldn't you like to save the tedious steps of going through the day's tickets? Aldelo For Restaurants will be able to help you do that easily and effortlessly in no time.
These are just some of the features that will help you get more done while spending less time.
Faster Kitchen & Bar Response Faster kitchen or bar response means better customer service, which will in turn generate more sales for the restaurant from satisfied customers.
With a paper based system or inefficient POS solution, faster kitchen or bar response is much harder to accomplish. Just imagine all the foot traffic from the dining room to the kitchen or bar, and the illegible hand written orders - a big cause of kitchen mistakes.
In addition, if the restaurant has two or more kitchen departments, it will be even harder to accomplish faster kitchen response time without smart kitchen routing.
With Aldelo For Restaurants software, your servers will no longer need to rush to the kitchen or bar to submit orders anymore. All ordered items will be correctly routed to the appropriate remote kitchen or bar printers automatically.
In addition, if your restaurant does volume take outs, a separate copy could be sent to a dedicated packager printer. This capability will eliminate the need for any foot traffic to and from the kitchen or bar, as well as eliminating sloppy hand writing.
Aldelo For Restaurants truly increases your restaurant's kitchen and bar response time.
Better customer service Customers now days are demanding more and more in term of service & quality. With the ever increasing competition, you can't simply rely on good food and regular service alone anymore.
In order to keep your current customers satisfied, you may need to offer different marketing plans such as frequent diner programs or in house charge account services. By offering your customers more, you will attract and keep customers that are both new or returning.
Knowing about your customers is also a key part to success. The most important asset of a restaurant is your customers. Using Aldelo For Restaurants software's built-in customer tracking features will help you control and provide better customer service easily.
Aldelo For Restaurants helps you accomplish more customer service out of the box. Our solution helps you understand your customer's past purchase behavior so that you can structure effective marketing plans.
Aldelo For Restaurants helps you retain guest loyalty by allowing you to offer store credit, gift cards, in house charge accounts, VIP discounts and frequent buyer program. Increasing delivery customer satisfaction by offering faster service is a reality with our visual mapping and automatic customer information recalls.
All of these features and more give you the power and flexibility to better serve your customers. It's not just the ability to keep the information, but Aldelo For Restaurants also gives you the ability to retrieve the information quickly.
Greater atmosphere A modern POS system will add greatly to the atmosphere of your restaurant environment. Contrary to common beliefs, customers do pay attention to your restaurant's new fixtures and atmosphere.
In addition, the guest check that you present to your customers will show the purchases and other information clearly without compromise.
Your customers will no longer see your servers' hand written tags or scratch marks. You may also include your restaurant sales promotional messages on your guest checks. Greater restaurant atmosphere makes your valued customers feel at home.
Aldelo For Restaurants Version 2.8.5998 or later
  • Settle screen's complimentary feature will now use cash discount automatically to offset the comped amounts.
  • Printer auto redirection to local receipt printer capability (functionality successfulness depend on Windows Operating System's response messages)
  • Email screen will now have popup on screen keyboard
  • Support for PCCharge software to operate in Restaurant Mode or Retail Mode, as well as integrated Credit Card Voids and Credit Card Refunds.
  • Provided forced seat reminder option
  • Kitchen/Bar and guest check will now be able to print modifiers in secondary language along with primary language if the "Print Secondary Also" option is enabled.
  • Option to show ordered items separately, and do not auto combine for like items.
  • Frequent diner program enhancements, such as automatic association of tracked order with customer, and additional information in frequent diner reports.
  • Provided logo printing support on Epson TM-88II/III for guest checks.
  • One click turn inventory shopping list into purchase orders.
  • Customer address label printing support
  • Menu Item label printing support
  • Weighted menu item label printing support
  • Weight scale integration
  • Inventory item label printing support
  • Remote in house charge slip printer support Option to ask for explanation on voided items
  • Option to popup dine in seat selection upon dine in table order entry
  • Option to popup dine in seat selection per each menu item ordered
  • Fire and Rush commands
  • Sort order support of menu items for kitchen/bar printers
  • Re-open Quick Cashier Sign Outs
  • Provided additional database samples and templates
  • Redefined directory structure for easier file location
  • Integrated Jet Compact utility into software
  • Provided latest version check online within software
  • Provided delete support of non-used master data items
  • Speed improvements for order entry screens
  • Added email address field for frequent diner accounts
  • Provided menu group availability based on days of week and time of days.
  • Support for exporting purchase order to tab delimited text file
  • Serial MSR card support
  • Support for retroactive tip adjustment on credit cards processed through PCCharge
  • Support for Right Click drag and drop feature for Tables, menu groups, and menu items definition screens.
  • Enhanced Quick Service screen.
  • Added maximum menu item price cap support
  • Added support to export menu item sales information to comma separated files for integration into other third party applications
  • and hundreds of other features and enhancements. Please check out the latest Demo for the most current features.
Aldelo For Restaurants Version 2.5.818
  • Speed up dine in table screen processing, so that on large databases, the table screen will show up much faster than before.
  • Enhanced menu modification so that when the top level menu item is hidden, their sub level items will also be automatically hidden as well. This will prevent ghost items that can't be found anywhere in the system.
  • Modified the Frequent Diner Lists and In House Charge Accounts Editor screens so that existing entries' phone number will not be edited. This will help to prevent phone number change mistakes.
  • Added Customers, In House Charge Accounts, and Frequent Diner Accounts import and export support in the software program.
  • Inventory level monitoring will now warn of out of stock at exact time when inventory runs out.
  • Modified program to operate under Windows XP.
  • Option to specify the display of Food and Bar subtotals on guest receipt.
  • Modified the REVERT ORDER security to use the Refund Order Security instead of the original Closing Report Security.
  • Modified the delivery driver dispatch screen to query only the current business day's delivery orders. This will speed up processing.
  • Driver dispatch screen will now auto-refresh the driver list and the departure order list every minute.
  • Provided Z Report capability on cashiers summary. This feature is located in the Operations screen, under Revenue Center. The Z Report also shows a cumulative grand total of all sales since business began for historical purpose, and to satisfy the needs of certain country's government tax rules.
  • Menu item hyperlink feature modified for speed, as well as ghost hyperlink issue.
  • Menu group available FROM and TO time can now span two separate days, such as available from 8 AM to 1 AM of the next day, assuming the Daily Start Time is set appropriately.
  • Fixed program not shutting down properly on Windows XP platform.
  • Fixed never ending loop of PHONE NUMBER INVALID message when both the Take Out Require No Phone option and the Take Out Require Phone number option are checked at the same time.
  • Print on the fly feature will now print the END OF ORDER MARKER even when there is no more modified items to send to the kitchen/bar.
  • Modified the SETTLE screen's complimentary feature so that by using the complimentary feature, the software will automatically create CASH DISCOUNT on the user's behalf for that order. This feature will greatly improve operation speed.
  • Provided automatic printer redirection support for printers on Windows 95, 98, SE, and ME platforms when the windows spooler has marked that printer as not available, offline, out of paper etc. status. The redirection will reroute to local receipt printer for you automatically. (This feature is not available for Windows NT/2K/XP)
Aldelo For Restaurants Version 2.5.768
  • Added the ability to DOUBLE or TRIPLE pizza toppings at the pizza builder screen.
  • Added the ability to DOUBLE or TRIPLE pizza toppings at the pizza modifier screen.
  • Added the ability to add the registry key called "Scan Debug" option and set the value of "YES" so that the login password screen will show masked digits as they are entered. To create the key, add the " SREG" command line argument to the end of the aldelo shortcut, then enter the key accordingly.
  • Added option to recall directly from the order entry screen. This feature will save all existing work on the order, but will not send to the kitchen.
  • Modified the order void report so that the voided items will show the voided item's name.
  • Added the capability for driver rotation. The driver list accessed from the main POS screen's driver button will rotate the driver names based on the driver's arrival time, from the earliest to the latest. It is then followed by the departed drivers, and the not clocked in drivers. This improves the driver dispatch function, so that all drivers get a fair shot at doing deliveries. (Tip: The driver listed at the very top is the one that should be leaving for the delivery!)
  • Modified the inventory item pack size price to allow three digit decimals.
  • Enhanced driver departure system, so that the already settled delivery orders will also show for dispatching. Plus, only the current business day's orders will show in the dispatch screen. This greatly improves the flexibility of driver tracking, and allow you to settle certain orders with credit card, in house charges, or the gift certificate payments prior to completing the delivery.
  • Enhanced backup function so that it will now backup the setting files in addition to the database to the same backup directory.
  • Added the capability to issue a new split check with a specific order due amount. For example, if the guest check is $50.00, you can create two split checks for $20.00 and $30.00. This feature is accessed in the recalled order screen.
  • Enhanced item void capability so that when there are two or more ordered items combined together, by clicking on REDUCE key will automatically void one of the ordered item, while leaving remaining quantity intact. This saves order entry time dramatically on item void activities.
  • Added the ability to import and export data. This feature allows you to import or export entire database, or just the selective setup data. The exported data file will be placed in the program path's EXPORT folder. The import process will read in import files from the program path's IMPORT folder if the import file is named as "NPR2Import.txt"
  • Added Australia Specific Feature to have the ability to specify the ABN number (Australia Business Number), and have the guest check to print the word "TAX INVOICE" on top of receipt with ABN number printed immediately following the "TAX INVOICE" sentence.
  • Added the ability to make GST taxable menu items to show with a GST tax indicator character. The GST tax indicator is specified in the Store Settings screen in the general tab with the field called "GST Item Flag Character".
  • Added the ability to make all GST taxable menu items to be tax inclusive. This means all GST taxable menu items has the GST tax already built in to the menu item price.
  • Added the ability to turn off the bold font attribute when displaying with the chinese language. This helps to show chinese more clearly on screen. To turn this feature on, go to each of the computers' Station Settings screen, then go to the "System Language Settings" sub screen, and toggle on the check box called "Disable Bold Font on Chinese Language" option.
  • Modified the Forced Modifier editor in the Back Office so that it will show all modifier type, regardless if the "Hide All Modifier Type" option in the Store Settings, Additional Preferences is turned on or off.
  • Modified the Re-Order function so that re-ordered menu item will be an exact duplicate of the original item, with the price change or modifiers all carried forward. This modification will help wait staff in finishing their re-order process much faster.
  • The daily closing report will now show the total item discounts figure in the report.
  • Added the ability to show combined menu item recipe's inventory usage units on kitchen copy. This feature will speed up food preparer time by telling them approximately what the inventory preparation should be for that underlying menu items that they are responsible to make. To use this feature, simply go to Back Office->Store Settings->Other Tab->Additional Preferences->Page 3, and check the "Show Recipe Summary on Kitchen Copy" option. Please note that the "Automatic Inventory Depletion" option must also be enabled as well. Additionally, only the menu items with recipe already setup will be included in the summary.
  • When using the Staff Banking feature, the server bank report will no longer print when employee clocks out.
  • Added the ability to specify both the special pizza topping pricing rules and print to additional printer logic. (In prior versions, you were only able to specify one or the other)
  • Enhanced the driver dispatch screen so that all available orders, driver names, departure/arrival/money drop/delivery status action keys are all located on the same screen. This speeds up the driver dispatching process.
  • Inclusion of full Spanish user interface support.
  • Enhanced ticket printing so that when using Ultra Large Printer Types and when the underlying order is dine in orders, then the Table Number will be printed in LARGE FONT.
  • Included ability to allow already used gift cards be used again when in conjunction with Central Gift Certificate Server solution.
Aldelo For Restaurants Version 2.5.488
  • Enhanced button and text field font size for better viewing on DBCS Windows Operating Systems.
  • Ability to not have "TAX" shown on the Guest Check or in the Order Entry screen. For example, if the restaurant has no sales tax or any other types of taxes, then the "TAX" caption will not appear in either order entry or the printed guest check.
  • Ability to enter up to 15 digits in the "Telephone" field. This accommodates customers in certain regions that need to enter telephone other than strictly 10 digits like in the USA.
  • Default area code is now increased to allow up to 5 digits.
  • Ability to define telephone display format. This allow the system to display the telephone number in a format that is understandable to local customers in the region.
  • Ability to associate a large picture with the menu item, and have it show up in the menu item detail screen.
  • Ability to turn off auto gratuity on dine in orders. This feature is effective when the auto gratuity feature is turn on.
  • Ability to order an item directly from within the menu item details screen.
  • 100% multilingual user interface screens from POS to Back Office.
  • Fully support localed version of GB Windows and the Big5 Windows.
  • If deployed in a far east country, the software will automatically display last name first, and first name last, with the space in between removed. This complies with far east countries' naming conventions.
  • Ability to specify display, POS receipt, and report font names and character set on a per language basis.
  • Ability to launch third party software directly from within Aldelo For Restaurants software's back office screen.
  • Text fields will now auto refresh as data are entered for more clear display.
  • Weight and Quantity toggles in the order entry screen will now auto toggle off after the item is ordered. This speeds the order entry process by removing unnecessary touches.
  • When you create new employee, the preferred language will now default to the system language for faster data entry.
  • Store Settings' "Automatic Frequent Diner Reward" option will be automatically toggled on if any frequent diner settings are entered. This speeds up frequent diner settings configuration.
  • Enhanced Caller ID monitoring where if caller ID box is not locally attached to the computer, and there is no TCP/IP transport configured for the software, then the Caller ID message won't display on the Main Screen.
  • Revert Order in the recall screen is now password protected regardless of security levels. This will prevent erroneous revert order by accidentally touching the Revert Order button.
  • Open priced item (Items defined with price of 1234.56) will now have the option of having a popup description screen appear, so that user may enter that item's description in more detail.
  • Outgoing calls are now logged with the YES-TELE caller ID box interface.
  • Each menu item can now have different prices based on different order types. For example, a New York Steak could be priced as $20.00 for dine in, while $18.00 for take out, and $25.00 for delivery.
  • Menu item and modifier prices may now be defined as negative amounts.
  • Provided the Manager Cash Out capability. This feature allow manager to take cash out of the cashier's drawer for safe keeping, while at the same time having cash out receipts print out. The cashier liability will not be reduced and the cash out could also be voided as well.
  • After performing a pay out, you have the option to print one or two copies of the pay out receipt.
  • Ability to define certain menu item to automatically show the weight entry screen when ordered in the order entry screen. This simplifies weight entry on items that always ordered by weight.
  • Smart Report Printing. The software will automatically print the report in either the portrait or landscape format based on the report size. It will also print page number at the bottom of every page.
  • The payroll report now shows the employee's social security number.
  • Purchase orders now have the ability to enter an internal number by the user. This number will show in the purchase order print out, the purchase order browse screen, and the receive inventory purchase order list.
  • Ability to enter inventory item by barcode in the Purchase Order Editor screen.
  • Option to print the inventory received report after the new inventory has been received.
  • The Total Inventory On Hand report will now show Total Summary in the report footer.
  • The Inventory Depletion Summary report will now show inventory depletion grouped by inventory groups.
  • Ability to create closing reminders. Once the messages have been defined, when going to the Operations/Revenue Center/Closing Report, a popup of reminders will show if there are no more open orders. You will be allowed to proceed if all reminders are checked. This feature is disabled automatically if you don't specify any closing reminders in the Store Settings/Additional Preferences.
  • Time Stamp button is now provided on most note fields to give you one click access to insert the current date and time to that note field.
  • Ability to track and log beginning inventory, inventory received, and ending inventory quantity and values. This tracking is triggered every time the closing report is run while there are no more open orders outstanding.
  • The payroll end date can no longer exceed more than two future pay periods. This will help to prevent erroneous pay period end date.
  • Auto Gratuity and the Tip Suggestion features can now be used at the same time.
  • Ability to print two copies of gift certificate receipts and customer credit slips.
  • The credit card charge slip (when using PC Charge) will now show only the last 4 digits of the credit card number. This ensures the security of the credit card number.
  • The back office version of Aldelo For Restaurants can now be allowed to launch up to four instances on the same computer, allowing each instance be linked to a different database file. (Just make additional shortcuts to the software, then for each shortcut, in the properties/target field, add the words ALT1 for the first shortcut, ALT2 for the second shortcut, and so forth)
  • Ability to hide the ticket number from the guest check.
  • Ability to hide the ticket number from the kitchen and bar ticket.
  • Ability to disable the SEND and CHAIN keys in order entry on a per station basis.
  • Ability to specify certain menu item that needs to print pizza label sticker. The pizza label sticker will print for Take Out, Drive Thru, and Delivery order types. The sticker shows information such as the order or ticket number, the item ordered, the total order amount due, customer information, and more. The sticker prints on 1" wide by 3" Length. We recommend the Eltron Thermal Transfer Label Printers.
  • Ability to make frequent diner points auto expire after certain number of days.
  • Ability to add cash to the Staff Bank or Cashier's start amount in operations.
  • Improved system handling of events so that the Open Order and Clock Out reminder screen no longer cause Windows 9x systems hang.
  • Improved customer screen so that the delivery address field is expanded to show more information at once without scrolling.
  • Ability to customize report printer font name and font size.
  • Improved barcode entry. You can now enter UPC barcode on menu items, and you now have the ability to scan those UPC barcodes at our barcode order entry screen directly.
  • New design of the barcode order entry screen for easier and faster order entry.
  • Discounts can now be defined to discount a certain menu item automatically and can be used in the barcode order entry screen. For example, you have a $1.00 discount made, and specified that it will discount toward the 24pk coke. Now at the barcode order entry screen, after you have scanned the 24pk coke UPC and ordered it, you can now scan your UPC of the discount that you just created, the software will automatically apply the discount toward that 24pk coke.
  • Improved PC Charge integration where by clicking the credit card payment type will automatically prompt you if there is any tips associated with this order, when there is no tip entered already. This reduces the mistakes of forgetting to enter the customer tip on a credit card charge slip until it's too late!
  • You may now revert order that occurred in the current calendar date or the previous calendar date.
  • You may now revert cashier sign outs that occurred in the current calendar date or the previous calendar date.
  • Improved Cashier and Staff Bank liability report. The report will now show money summary such as total cash, total checks, total charges, total gift certificates, in house charges, gift certificate redemptions, complimentary tenders, cash tips, credit card/checks tips, and more.
  • Improved the handling of new modifiers entered at POS. These new modifiers will automatically be set to Hidden status unless the Persistent Menu Modifier Price Change is toggle on. This helps to keep one time only modifiers out of the normal selection screens. In House Charge Account enhancement to allow any payment amount to be paid toward the balance owed. For example, if the customer owes $50 in the
  • In House Charge Account, then the customer can pay any amount toward this balance. Any over payments will show as change due.
  • Ability to specify "Due Upon Receipt" payment term on In House Accounts.
  • Ability to specify delivery charge and compensation amount on each menu item.
  • Ability to print the primary and secondary menu item names on the guest check.
  • Improved Staff Bank capability. You're now allowed to specify whether or not each employee can use the Staff Bank.
  • Ability to specify each employee whether or not to enforce work schedule. Additionally, employees set to disregard work schedule won't see clock in reminder anymore.
  • Enhanced Japanese Hibachi Table seating layout support. You're now allowed to specify horizontal and vertical table layout, customizable total seats, bridge seats, and much more.
  • Ability to make menu item as a hyperlink to another menu group. This allows you to click on the menu item defined as the hyperlink in one menu group, and it will take you to the menu group that this hyperlink is pointing to. This feature speeds up menu group switching by reducing number of steps required to move to a different menu group.
  • Ability to associate a customer file with any of the order types.
  • New Hostess feature to allow table and tab assignment for any server. This capability allows the hostess to seat the customer, and then start a new order on behalf of the server.
  • For quicker, easier, and better reconciliation, the cashier sign out shortages and overs will now affect the cash withdraw amounts, and leave the register start amount unchanged.
  • Ability to specify whether or not an employee can finalize the "Cashier Out" procedure.
  • When using YES-TELE caller ID box interface, the customer info will no longer be brought up automatically when the line is picked up. This helps to eliminate wrong line information when multiple calls arrive at the same time.
  • Ability to print to the kitchen and/or bar on the fly. With this capability turned on, menu item will automatically be sent to the kitchen/bar printers as soon as the next menu item is pressed. This is ideal for fast food restaurants using 3rd party kitchen monitor interface, such as the Microplus Kitchen Display System.
  • Added the reservation feature. This capability allows you to take reservations for your customers.
  • Added table filtering feature. This feature allows you to filter tables based on the search criteria that you specify. For example, if you have 5 guests and like to be seated by the window, then all the available tables that meet with your criteria in the current group will flash.
  • Enhanced table layout. The table layout has been improved to allow up to 72 tables per table group. It was previously at 49! Additionally, the table buttons that are not defined will be invisible. This gives you much closer layout to your actual floor plan.
  • Ability to not print to the kitchen/bar on a per order basis. For example, if you don't want to send the current order to the kitchen/bar, then simply go to the Misc. page inside the order entry, then click "No Kitchen/Bar" button 

<<<I.T SAying>>>

Technology is the set of tools both hardware (physical) and software that help us act and think better. Technology includes all the objects from pencil and paper to the latest electronic gadget. Electronic and computer technology help use share information and knowledge quickly and efficiently. What was previously slow and tedious is now easier and more realistic.

Technology quotes can be used to compare and show how technology has improved the way we live and the way we go about doing our daily chores. These can also be used to highlight the importance of technology in the modern world and how it has shrunk the world into a global village.

Technology is human innovation in action that involves the generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems that solve problems and extend human capabilities and it is also the innovation, change, or modification of the natural environment to satisfy perceived human needs and wants.

For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three.
Alice Kahn

Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.
R. Buckminster Fuller

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.
Richard Feynman

There is an evil tendency underlying all our technology - the tendency to do what is reasonable even when it isn't any good.
Robert Pirsig

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke

Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to experience it.
Max Frisch

Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand.
Putt's Law

For Any Technical Assistance in the website, Please email at

<<,I.T poems>>>.
I type --
Hey! Clatter-clatter keyboard of ascii:
Chatter chatter; chat me up and down the great grey scales of my
Wide webbed world!
Hey clatter, clatter keyboard of ask me:
Look at me and truly see I'm rainbow-swirled.
Share my image morphed; visualize my visage;
Stay and portray me; play me; slay me.
Vibrate my thought through the slick copper wire
Send my second self through the tiny fibers of fine desire
Do deadly dragons and flagons and flames and fire!

I think --
Hey! Let me find and remind our larger mind
Of who we may yet -- build to become:
A race of not so numb and not so dumb,
Plumbing instead to the very depths of distant stars,
And no less, the innermost realms of mirth and Mars,
Till the mystic magic oneness of math and rhyme
Manifests so patently, so patiently, so perfectly in mime.
Find the micro-time to sweep my musical spheres and spears
The tears and cares of play and work no longer clash;
Till micro-cash flows like water through all the all-time
Help-hungry waiting wings of the world-wide watersplash;
Till ripples trip tugboats of data, mined from far fields,
Crash breaker-wave upon analyses and syntheses and shields.

I see --
Strangely dreaming wrecks of old preconceptions shatter,
Clatter to the floor, rearrange, derange themselves re-making,
Tattered by the shreds of cyberworlds waking, shaking
Our millenial group-sleep of not seeing all the wide over-tried
Over-tired, over-mired, over in the four-leaf field of clover spied
World around surround of miracle of sight and sound
From air to ground, and sea to land, and rainbow band and bound.

I hear --
Instruments that sing as they soar, tinkle, roar and storm;
Slap each other silly, go dancing willy-nilly form and reform
Glancing blows and prancing foes and smiling awhile,
Rising for a virtual ever-upward sky-high mile,
Suspended, then -- falling for eternity below the lowest low,
Dropping stone-like into so slow, slow, no-go flow.

Reloaded and rebooted, I readily roam --
Freely through city and pity and pious and pi,
Splash through wavelets and warrants and warriors and why,
Surf terrier and harrier and hairless and house
Matrices of miracles, at the touch of my magic mouse!

<<<<21 laws of programming>>>>>>>
As any experienced computer programmer knows, there are unwritten laws that govern software development. However there are no penalties for breaking these laws; rather, there is often a reward. Following are 21 Laws of Computer Programming:

   1. Any given program, once deployed, is already obsolete.
   2. It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.
   3. If a program is useful, it will have to be changed.
   4. If a program is useless, it will have to be documented.
   5. Only ten percent of the code in any given program will ever execute.
   6. Software expands to consume all available resources.
   7. Any non-trivial program contains at least one error.
   8. The probability of a flawless demo is inversely proportional to the number of people watching, raised to the power of the amount of money involved.
   9. Not until a program has been in production for at least six months will its most harmful error be discovered.
  10. Undetectable errors are infinite in variety, in contrast to detectable errors, which by definition are limited.
  11. The effort required to correct an error increases exponentially with time.
  12. Program complexity grows until it exceeds the capabilities of the programmer who must maintain it.
  13. Any code of your own that you haven’t looked at in months might as well have been written by someone else.
  14. Inside every small program is a large program struggling to get out.
  15. The sooner you start coding a program, the longer it will take.
  16. A carelessly planned project takes three times longer to complete than expected; a carefully planned project takes only twice as long.
  17. Adding programmers to a late project makes it later.
  18. A program is never less than 90% complete, and never more than 95% complete.
  19. If you automate a mess, you get an automated mess.
  20. Build a program that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it.
  21. Users truly don’t know what they want in a program until they use it.

<<<<<<<<<Developer of HTML>>>>>.

Hire Dedicated HTML / CSS Developer

The leading India web development company CSS CHOPPER brings to its global customers affordable outsourcing solutions for dedicated HTML developer that help leverage to competitive advantage by increased efficiencies. Our full availability hiring services ensure that client's unforeseen breakdowns will be addressed quickly with hand-coded HTML / XHTML / CSS.

We believe in providing high quality work to our clients that complies with international standards without compromising on quality. Hire HTML developer with experience of on an average 4+ years, complete co-ordination and ingrained professional expertise collectively devoted to address the client specific project requirements undertaken by us for delivering the best.

Since CSS CHOPPER inception, we have put together the right professional skills of our well-committed team of talented HTML developers to deliver end-to-end outsourcing services by proficiently slicing, converting and hand coding all types of client's static PSD, PNG, AI, CDR, JPG, GIF or BMP designs into impeccable valid HTML / XHTML markup / CSS style. CSS CHOPPER professional development team always geared to address and meet the ever-growing needs of clients in the shortest possible time frame with better quality work.

We are envisioned with the aim to streamline overall process of web development by reducing the total development cost. Our experts bundle their technical know-how and polished skills that compound together to meet critical client requirements by applying highly customized and result-oriented solutions along with strategic planning. Hire HTML developer from CSS CHOPPER to get world-class HTML / XHTML / CSS conversion solutions from India with extensive functionality at an economical cost.

<<<<I.T joke>>>

Information Technology Joke

A man piloting a hot air balloon discovers he has wandered off course and is hopelessly lost. He descends to a lower altitude and locates a man down on the ground. He lowers the balloon further and shouts, "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"

The man below says, "Yes, you're in a hot air balloon, about 30 feet above this field."

"You must work in Information Technology," says the balloonist.

"Yes I do," replies the man. "And how did you know that?"

"Well," says the balloonist, "what you told me is technically correct, but of no use to anyone."

The man below says, "You must work in management."

"I do," replies the balloonist, "how did you know?"

"Well," says the man, "you don't know where you are, or where you're going, but you expect my immediate help. You're in the same position you were before we met, but now it's my fault!"